Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Copyright in Schools

Growing up, I never thought about teachers making copies of worksheets, drawing pictures of characters, or anything along those lines. Recently, I have been introduced to all of the different aspects of copyright. I never knew all of the different rules of using someone else's work. I use to think that different childrens' TV networks and programs would like and appreciate the public portrayal of their work. I thought that they like it because they may receive more profit for more publicism. Little did I know, this is not the case at all with many companies.

After learning more about copyright, I now know that school systems and teachers have a great deal of rules to follow when making copies of things for their classroom. I also feel as though many teachers, librarians, principals, counselors, etc, do not follow rules the way that they probably should. I feel as though the main reason for this is because it is SO easy to get away with copying things in schools. I think that copyright should definitely be more enforced within schools. I know that if I had created something educational and useful to use in the classroom, I would at least want someone to ask me to be able to use it. Although copyright does have some strict rules, I think that it is something simple to abide by. Many people are pretty leniant with teachers, and school systems. All you really have to do is ask permission.

Pictures Courtesy of: